Here’s five ways to transition a blazer from a formal look to more everyday wear!
My Family’s Favorite Banana Bread Recipe
Sharing one of the yummiest banana bread recipes my family LOVES to make. Trust me here, this just might replace all your other recipes you’ve used!
What Helps Curb My Anxiety
Living with anxiety can sometimes feel like the biggest inconvenience in the world. Different things work for different people, so I’m hoping that sharing a list of what helps me might also help someone else. Or at least inspire them to find a place to look for solutions.
Why I’m Not Watching the Bachelor this Year
Why my personal experience with this show has made me taught I need to stop watching. I’ve been a Bachelor-nation fan since high school, so this was a hard one!
Everything I Read & Watched in 2020
Everything I read and watched to keep me from going crazy stuck at home in 2020.
Goodbye, 2020: 10 Things You Taught Me
Ten things I learned on my own this year, that I’ll be taking with me into 2021.
25 Fun Facts
I love learning fun facts about people- little reasons they are the way they are. Here’s some of mine!