25 Fun Facts
- You can’t find an older soul than me
- I genuinely think I am cursed with bad luck in life
- Not the best cook, but I love baking!
- I’m not a pet person as much as I wish I was
- I think many frozen pizzas taste better than what you can get at a restaurant- sorry not sorry!
- My family is very Kurdish, and I can speak the language fluently
- Tex-Mex food is my weakness in life
- I went into high school on a quest to find the perfect chocolate chip cookie by the time I graduated- and I did my senior year. The recipe I use turns out foolproof every time and SO yummy! I’ll share it one day on here
- I am the biggest crybaby about everything no matter how much I try not to be
- I am a INFP-T personality type- basically a mediator. Same as Johnny Depp and Julia Roberts!
- I’m from the Seattle area but I go to college a 5 hour drive away from home, which sucks for me because see #12
- I am not the worlds best driver hehe. But I still love it! There’s no better way to do some soul searching than driving on the freeway and blasting music
- I only really listen to country music and Blake Shelton can marry me in a heartbeat if he ever wants to. I’ve been waiting on a proposal since I was 16…and still waiting because never say never!
- My dream job is working my way up to be a local tv news reporter for a Seattle market, which I grew up watching
- I have the biggest love-hate relationship with social media. If I wasn’t going into a career that requires using it so much, I honestly think I would delete all my social accounts and get a flip-phone instead
- Pinterest is my favorite app on my phone
- My favorite holidays are Halloween, Valentines Day and the Fourth of July
- I live for Fall and Spring- I can’t stand extreme heat or cold and I don’t totally love the fashion in either season
- My favorite thing to do is go shopping with my aunt
- I never changed my major in college because I was super lucking in knowing exactly what I wanted to study
- I have the world’s most unreliable memory. If I don’t write everything down I forget to do it!
- I use Wikipedia ALL the time. Whenever I discover a new celebrity from a movie or a show I suddenly make it my mission to read their whole life story online
- I’ve had some of the best conversations of my life with strangers on airplanes- one thing I miss major this year!
- My biggest superficial fear is spiders. My biggest deep fear is being a failure
- I try to live for the Lord and be a better Muslim everyday
Solen xxx