Please, Be Brave!
Hi friends! It’s been a minute but I am back! Gosh it feels so good to write for fun again!
Okay! Today’s blog post is about how a little bit of bravery can change your life. Because for whatever reason, I was thinking about bravery a lot today. And thinking about how soooo many people I know are letting a lack of it hold them back in life. I’m not here to tell anyone what to do with their life. I can only speak for my own experiences- and let me tell ya…. I wouldn’t have any of my favorite things in life without it. Literally.
I think some people don’t realize that everybody- if not, most everybody, has fear before doing something different. I promise it’s normal! We all get scared of things and I’m no different. It can be sooooo easy to let fear stop you from moving forward. With big things, little things, and everything in between. If we stop and think about all the ways something can go wrong before we do it, we might get so overwhelmed, we’ll never want to.
So I’m here to ask you with a little *nudge, nudge* what are you afraid of right now? And are you really going to let that fear hold you back?
Take a look at your life right now, and take another look at what your life could look like in 5 years. Would you be happy with exactly where you’re at now in 5 years? 10 years?
If not, what are you going to do about that?
I promise- getting over one fear isn’t just going to propel you forward with that one aspect of your life. It all builds and that one brave decision you make today can change so many other layers of your life.
I had to rip off the bandaid when I decided to move out at 16. BEST decision of my life. But I had to be real brave to do that.
And because I proved to myself that I could do hard things at 16, that gave me the courage to enroll in university and move out of my hometown. I was the first person in my family to go. I had NO clue what I was doing the entire time, but I did it!
And when I graduated college, I moved across the country to start a dream job in news. But I couldn’t have done that if I wasn’t brave enough to move out on my own in the first place. Or move out of my hometown in the first place. It all built and built, and that little bit of bravery in the beginning gave me such a bigger boost of bravery later on.
So I’m here to tell ya, you are worth having the life you dream of! Go chase it, and please don’t let your fear hold you back. Please, be brave. Go make the most out of this precious life we’re all meant to enjoy.
It’s okay to move out of your town if you’re not happy. It’s okay to tell that person your don’t love them anymore. It’s okay to work that passion job with the crazy pay/hours that nobody in your family understands. It’s okay to leave it all behind and chase something completely different- no matter how much work you put into the old job/relationship/project.
So go be brave and have a great weekend everybody! If I came off too preach-y, sorry not sorry! It was on my heart to say this today and I hope it resonates with all of you! And if you’re one of those people who’s made some brave decisions lately- I’m proud of YOU! It is hard, but keep going and climbing whatever mountains you need to, to get where you’re going! Keep being brave!
Solen xxx